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Why I Love Being a Lawyer (Seriously)


We've all seen the downbeat headlines—surveys show as many as half of all lawyers wouldn't enter the profession if they had it to do over, wouldn't recommend their children become lawyers, would rather be digging ditches or breaking rocks. As the profession struggles to recover from the Great Recession, it's certainly not easy being an attorney.

But what about the other half of the profession—the half that doesn't grab the headlines, that finds satisfaction in their jobs? There's still much to recommend the practice of law, starting with serving clients and the public good. My story is one of passion and dedication to the profession and why being a lawyer can be an extraordinary calling.

What's the secret? I always asked myself one question: What can I do to help the client? What advice can I provide that will be of some benefit? If you provide real and meaningful legal services, you will be properly compensated. I enjoy every day and pursue my work with passion.
